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About Us


This will just be a little information about how we got started. Technically this is a single person website, but I dont like speaking in first person (It does not seem as professional.)  and my colleague helps me with suit making from time to time even if it is me taking the commissions (Marmakers Monster) and not both of us (Monster Mutt Studios). We started making fursuits back in 2012, and have studied and practiced suit making for the years since then. 


We offer many services but primarily focus on fursuit making. This is not a full time job and is rather more of a part time hobby. (Which does not effect the quality of our suits. Nor should it mean that we should not be taken seriously as a professional buissness. ) Our main  priorety is to bring people the quality products that they want but not have to break the bank for them. Of course over time as our skills become more elaborate and better quality than they are now, prices may rise. But making people happy and saving money will still be our goal for our customers! 


Please mail us if you have any questions or concerns, we are always trying to make things easier and make this site usuer friendly!

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