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Terms Of Service

This is Are Terms Of Service Page, Please Read through it before sending us a Quote. If you have a questions please shoot us a Note. Thank you!


* Age? you must me 18 years or older to commission us, or have Parental Permission Form filled out and mailed to us. 

* Down Payment? there is a 30% / 40% nonrefundable down payment for the start of are commissions, this helps us get started and acquire some of the material need in making your suit.

* Payment Plans? we can always work out plans with you if needed, just ask!

* Paying? we take payment Through Paypal, but we can always work out ways for you if Paypal is harder for you to get too.

* Warranty? are suits have a 3 month warranty if any damage was done by playing to rough, over use, or maybe even we didn't get something right we can fix it, small fee's are needed though.

* Due Dates? We do not do due dates as of right now.

* Copyright Characters? We do not do Copy Righted characters.

* Canceling a Commission? you can always cancel a commission, and refunds are possibly. Note though the further along your suit the smaller the refund.

Parent Permission Form

Please Read All Instruction Before FIlling Out The Form.





Please give this form to your parents, do not fill this out in any way, your parents must read and agree to all terms before signing and mailing this form to us. All updates and questions will be asked through your parents. If your parents do not want to go through with signing and or filling out this form then we cannot allow you to: send us money/try to commission us yourself/ use a parents card or cash for payment (<~ESPECIALLY NOT THAT) We do not want to have to deal with any type of legal issue or money quandirary if something like that comes up. EVEN IF YOU ARE UNDER 18 AND YOU ARE PAYING WITH YOUR OWN MONEY YOU STILL NEED TO HAVE THIS SIGNED. No hard feelings it's all just making sure that you guys, and us are safe.

Thank You 
Marmakers Monsters

Parent Permission Form: 

Have you read the TOS before signing this form? ____

Have you been notified that these commissions are expensive and non refundable after commission has been started? ______

Are you notified that material cost must be paid in full before your child's commission may be started? ______ 

Are you notified that after the commission is completed that you cannot refund? _____

Are you notified that there is a 3 month warranty,
Where if something is: Broken/Torn/Disformed/ect. The commission will be fixed with no fee? _____

Are you notified that all communication between the commissioner (us) and your child must go through yourself? _______

Are you aware that shipping can take up to 4/5 business days? ______

Do you or your child have any pet allergies? (We always keep our workroom clean, and we clean the suit one last time before shipment, but sometimes fur travels in) _____

Are you aware that these commissions are complex and may require longer time than our "estimated finishing date"? ______

If you have completed the form and agree to all of the TOS and have filled out all of these then please sign here. ____________________________________

This form must be mailed to MM. Once you have been accepted to a slot you will be given the address to mail the form.

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